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As the old saying goes “blockchain never sleeps.” It’s the Chamber’s mission to promote the acceptance and use of digital assets and blockchain-based technologies. We do this tirelessly through education, advocacy and working closely with policymakers, regulatory agencies and industry.  Following are the top five priorities that keep the Chamber team up at night:

  • Accounting: Ever heard of counting sheep? How about counting virtual currencies. An increase in virtual currency-related transactions makes the development of accounting guidance surrounding recognition and disclosure of virtual currencies and related transactions all the more important. The Chamber believes that the Federal Accounting Standards Board (FASB) should address the accounting standards for digital currencies.

As the old saying goes “blockchain never sleeps.” It’s the Chamber’s mission to promote the acceptance and use of digital assets and blockchain-based technologies. We do this tirelessly through education, advocacy and working closely with policymakers, regulatory agencies and industry.  Following are the top five priorities that keep the Chamber team up at night:

  • Accounting: Ever heard of counting sheep? How about counting virtual currencies. An increase in virtual currency-related transactions makes the development of accounting guidance surrounding recognition and disclosure of virtual currencies and related transactions all the more important. The Chamber believes that the Federal Accounting Standards Board (FASB) should address the accounting standards for digital currencies.